1. The stage transferred into the uterus after induced fertilization of ova in the laboratory is

A. Zygote
B. Embryo at 4 blastomere stage
C. Embryo at 2 blastomere stage
D. Morula
Answer :   Morula
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2. Artificial insemination mean:

A. Transfer of sperms of husband to a test tube containing ova
B. Artificial introduction of sperms of a healthy donor into the vagina
C. Introduction of sperms of a healthy donor directly into the ovary
D. Transfer of sperms of a healthy donor to a test tube containing ova
Answer :   Artificial introduction of sperms of a healthy donor into the vagina
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3. Which of the following sexually transmitted diseases is not completely curable?

A. Gonorrhoea
B. Genital warts
C. Genital herpes
D. Chlamydiasis
Answer :   Genital herpes
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4. Amniocentesis is a technique

A. by which the essential amino acids in the body can be estimated
B. by which any chromosomal anomalies in the foetus can be detected
C. in which the sex of the foetus can be reversed
D. that can be used for correcting genetic disorders of the foetus
Answer :   by which any chromosomal anomalies in the foetus can be detected
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5. In which of the following techniques, the embryos are transferred to assist those females who cannot conceive?

Answer :   ZIFT and IUT
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6. The technique called gamete intrafallopian transfer (GIFT) is recommended for those females:

A. who cannot produce an ovum
B. who cannot retain the foetus inside uterus
C. whose cervical canal is too narrow to allow passage for the sperms
D. who cannot provide suitable environment for fertilisation
Answer :   who cannot produce an ovum
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7. Which of the following contraceptive methods do involve a role of hormone?

A. Lactational amenorrhea, Pills, Emergency contraceptives
B. Barrier method, Lactational amenorrhea, Pills
C. CuT, Pills, Emergency contraceptives
D. Pills, Emergency contraceptives, Barrier methods
Answer :   Lactational amenorrhea, Pills, Emergency contraceptives
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8. Which of the following is a hormone releasing Intra Uterine Device (IUD)?

A. Multiload 375
B. LNG - 20
C. Cervical cap
D. Vault
Answer :   LNG - 20
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9. Which of the following cannot be detected in a developing foetus by amniocentesis?

A. Sex of the foetus
B. Down syndrome
C. Jaundice
D. Klinefelter syndrome
Answer :   Jaundice
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10. Ectopic pregnancies are referred to as:

A. Implantation of embryo at site other than uterus
B. Implantation of defective embryo in the uterus
C. Pregnancies terminated due to hormonal imbalance
D. Pregnancies with genetic abnormality
Answer :   Implantation of embryo at site other than uterus
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